Our pets are our happiness. Our pets are light and love. They are companions, best friends, and silent confidantes. Even when they are gone, we remember them forever. They deserve to have their memories honored. We should praise our friends, remember the happy times, share their beautiful pictures. You should never be ashamed or alone in your deep, love for your animal friends. And never feel bad for missing them when they're gone.

Where Do Pets Go When They Die?

My thoughts about where a pet goes when they die is in no way theological. I don't judge anyone for their beliefs or thoughts on religion. But for me, it is more of a feeling, a comfort, a spiritual concept of the universe, as a whole.

My concept of death is that it is a biological process. The heart stops and awareness ends. The body is organic and its matter breaks down, becoming part of the earth. I don't believe that there is a spirit that detaches and floats away to some other place. If someone else thinks otherwise, that is their belief and it's good.

So the rainbow bridge that a lot of people associate with the death of a pet is fine, but it didn't work for me. Regardless of my beliefs, though I choose not to think of death as an end of all existence and being. If death is a complete finality, it would become a horrible thing that would be dreaded and feared. For those who are left behind, there would be only sadness and hopelessness.

I choose to think of death as a transference. When I say transference I do not mean reincarnation, which is also ok for people to believe. It's just not for me. By transference I mean that the essence of a person's or pets heart, mind, thoughts, memories, and dreams become a part of the universe. A chair that starts rocking on its own, a feeling of a comforting nuzzle on your skin, a song that plays just at the right time, a remembrance that strikes you when you are feeling hopeless. These moments are the memories of your loved one or lost pet, reminding you how much they love you, how much they miss you too, and that they are happy. Still joyfully doing the things they love.

As for my kitty Shelby, I believe that her heart and personality were just too big to be contained in her short little life. She had so much more love and happiness to give and receive. And I believe that she continues to play, run, eat, and lay somewhere sunny. She continues to feel love and comfort in the memories we made together.


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