Our pets are our happiness. Our pets are light and love. They are companions, best friends, and silent confidantes. Even when they are gone, we remember them forever. They deserve to have their memories honored. We should praise our friends, remember the happy times, share their beautiful pictures. You should never be ashamed or alone in your deep, love for your animal friends. And never feel bad for missing them when they're gone.

Singing the Praises of my Kitties


This is baby Jack, our rebel with claws kitty. We've had him since kittenhood, and he's always been a one of a kind guy.


This is Charlie. We got Charlie from a girl who had found him eating by a dumpster. He's always been a rather odd kitty. Odd as in licking light sockets, getting a good shock and then licking it again. But he is a lover, not a fighter. And is the sweetest kitty.


This is what I envision our George would have looked like as a kitten. We rescued him from our front porch, as a scrawny flea infested sickly boy (probably a few years old). The vets helped us nurse him back to health and it was a rough go trying to socialize him to people. But he is the sweetest boy and is just a snugglebug.

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